current Minutes

Century Village Technology Club

General Meeting Minutes

Meeting Room A

January 2, 2025 - 1 PM

Board Attendance: Ken, Gladys, John, Lou, and Marsha (zooming)

Absent: Kathy Congi

Q&A: Run by Ken

Business Meeting

1st meeting of the new Technology Club. We discussed adding a new AI friend to contacts: 1-800-CHAT-GPT. Members can ask for assistance, advice, or questions about devices and workshops. Create an account first. ChatGPT assists with online searches, document summaries, and real-time web searches without ads. Google offers a similar helper called Gemini, but ChatGPT performs searches without redirections.


A quiz on our new Technology Club title covered issues like streaming and connectivity.

New Tools

Ken introduced the new Password Manager and the iPhone app called Passwords.

Breezeline Issues

Breezeline issues persist in Century Village. We have 5 years left on the contract and await a new streaming proposal. WiFi costs continue.

Technology Club Luncheon

The luncheon is on March 20 in the Party Room. The Board is coordinating catering. Payments will be collected at the next meetings on February 6 and March 6.

Committee Reports

No reports were given.

Congratulations to the Blue Ticket Door Prize winners and the 50/50 winners.

Meeting Adjourned: 2:00 PM

Attendance: 35 (4 zooming)

General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room C
Mar 7, 2024

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, John,  Lou, Joan,
GladysK and Marsha  (zooming)

Absent:  Kim

Q&A was run by Ken

We did not have our business meeting due to a speaker from the Commissioners Office

     Committee Reports

Luncheon Committee
  So far today we have 35 guests for our luncheon which will be held on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at noon in our Party Room in the Clubhouse.  Eatalia Restaurant will be catering.

Old Business –  none
New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Commissioner Greg Weiss gave a presentation on AI.  This presentation was recorded and will be shown soon on our local tv channel. 

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Streaming Device – Clara Kozol
Webcam cover – Gladys Buonacore

 Meeting was adjourned at 2:50pm...76 (4 zooming)

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Feb 1, 2024

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank,  GladysK, John,
 Lou & Joan

Absent:  Kim and Marsha

Q&A was run by Ken

We did not hold our business meeting due to the time. We had a guest speaker today from the Tax Collector Office

     Committee Reports

Luncheon Committee
 – Frank announced our menu for our luncheon.    The date of our luncheon is March 14, 2024.  The caterer will be Eatalia Restaurant. 
As a result we will be collecting for this event during the February and March meetings only.  So far today we have 24 guests for our luncheon.

Old Business –  none
New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Amy from the Tax Collector Office gave a presentation on the website www. where there are many items to check.

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Alexis Echo Auto – Stella Solovey
Golf Shirt – Ricki Strahl
Bluetooth Wireless Speaker – Frank Congi

Congratulations to our club winners!

50/25/25  - Winners of $11 each.
Susan Harris and Frank Congi

 Meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm...34

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Jan 4, 2024

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, GladysB, GladysK, John, Kim
 Lou, Joan & Marsha (zooming)

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the business meeting by asking if we had any new members. We had 7 new members introduced today.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from December which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

     Committee Reports

Education – 
Kathy read the class schedule from our website. 
 She announced the Media Madness class began on 01jan2024 at 1pm in our classroom

Luncheon Committee – Frank announced we could have a problem with our original choice of our Luncheon caterer.  After some discussion it was voted in favor once again to continue our original indoor luncheon plans and we will be sending out the info via email as soon as possible.  The date of our luncheon is March 14, 2024.  The caterer will be Eatalia Restaurant. 
As a result we will be collecting for this event during the February and March meetings only.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Kathy gave a presentation on Apple iPhones in regard to updates, security, tracking and safety of your iPhones.

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Ream of paper Kathleen Marie Carty
Diamond Wireless Speaker Barbara Barlow
Webcam Cover Ricki Strahl

Congratulations to our club winners!
50/25/25  - Winners of $16 each.
Lou Harris and Mel Thibault

 Meeting was adjourned at 2:13pm...40 plus 2 zooming.


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Dec 7, 2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, GladysB, GladysK, John, Kim
 Lou, Joan & Marsha (zooming)


Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the business meeting by asking that all cell phones be silenced. We had one new member today.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from November which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

     Committee Reports

Education – 
Kathy read the class schedule from our website.

Kathy announced the Media Madness class will begin on 1jan2024 at 1pm in our classroom

Luncheon Committee – Frank announced we will be getting info on
our luncheon and we will be sending out the info via email soon

Old Business –  none

New Business  -  We have paid to continue our Domain Name for 9 more years until 2033….

Presentation -  Ken gave a presentation on how to be careful online with a multitude of scams.

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
12w 3 in 1 desk Charging Station Larry Speciner
Cup Holder Phone Mount Grace Macklin

Congratulations to our club winners!

50/25/25  - Winners of $12 each.
Ray Block and Celia Hilmer

 Meeting was adjourned 2:15pm...32 plus 1 zooming.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Nov 2, 2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, GladysB, GladysK, John
(zooming) Lou, Joan & Marsha 

Absent:  Kim

Q&A was run by Ken

     Committee Reports

Luncheon Committee – Frank asked for hands on who would like
another luncheon.  Many agreed.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Ken gave a presentation on Web Browsers to access online programs for productivity and creativity

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
15W Type C wall charger    Marguerite Bevacqua
15 W Type C wall charger Kathy Congi     
wireless headphone Louis Paluscio
Goliath wireless headphone  Janine Spokoine

Congratulations to our club winners!
50/25/25  - Winners of $10 each.
Roger Watkins and Howard Jolson

 Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm...27 plus 4 zooming.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Apr 6, 2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, GladysB, Lou,  & Marsha (zooming)

Absent:  John, Kim. Joan, GladysK

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. 

Secretary's Minutes – No minutes were read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of
$1,756.61 after our annual luncheon event.

        Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes from the website.
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 

Luncheon Committee – Frank thanked all the members who attended our luncheon. It was very nice to see everyone again.

Old Business –  none

  New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Ken gave a presentation on AI and how it is developing as time goes by.  We have to be very careful while using it.  There are a long list of apps being developed and he will add these sites to the website.

Click on this link for current information on AI it will be updated with new information so check back

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Sound Bar       Ricki Strahl
Ream of Paper Lou Harris
Keyboard     Janine Spokaine

Congratulations to our club winners!

50/25/25  - Winners of $10 each.
Ray Block and Frank Congi

Meeting was adjourned 2:10pm...21 plus 3 zooming.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
March 2, 2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, John, GladysB, Lou, Kim, Joan & GladysK

Absent:  Marsha

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We introduced 4 new members.  

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from January which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes from the website.
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 

Luncheon Committee – Frank announced our
Annual Luncheon********
on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 12 noon
in the Century Village Party Room

Eggplant Parmigiana
Chicken Parmagiana
Shrimp Scampi
Baked Ziti
Bread and Butter
Water, Coffee & Cake
and Prizes of $100, $50, $25 and free club memberships!!! Tickets to be sold DURING the January, February & March meetings only!!!

Please pay with exact change or a check to CVCC
 $9/Members and & $16 Guest, exact change PLEASE

Old Business –  none

New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Ken gave a presentation on How to capture a QRcode with Iphone ,Android Phone. How to sign a document on Iphone and android phone.and the following Links

With a Library card you can follow the links

The palm Beach County Library

read palm beach post NY times Wall St. Journal

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Wireless Speaker      Thomas James, Jr.
Ream of Paper         Thomas Kansas
Ear Buds            Roger Watkins
Ear Buds      Yolanda Lugo 

Congratulations to our club winners!

50/25/25  - Winners of $15 each.
Marguerite Bevacqua & Gladys Buonacore

Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm...44 plus 0 zooming due to technicality

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Feb 2nd  2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, John, GladysB, Lou, GladysK & Marsh via zoom

Absent:  Kim & Joan

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We introduced 8 new members.  

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from January.  We had one correction.  Marsha was on zoom.  Also the person who won the popcorn maker was Larry Spenciner.   Duly noted.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

                                         Committee Reports                                     

Education - Ken went over the schedule for our classes from our website.
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 

Luncheon Committee – Frank announced our
Annual Luncheon********
on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 12 noon
in the Century Village Party Room
catered by Eatalia Restaurant

Eggplant Parmigiana
Chicken Parmigiana
Shrimp Scampi
Baked Ziti
Bread and Butter
Water, Coffee & Cake
and Prizes of $100, $50, $25 and free club memberships!!! Tickets to be sold DURING the January, February & March meetings only!!!

Please pay with exact change or a check to CVCC
 $9/Members and & $16 Guest, exact change PLEASE

Old Business –  none

New Business  -  none

Presentation -  Ken gave a presentation on Artificial Intelligence.

The following are the links discussed

AI Art Generator

AI food photo generator

AI character

AI artwork generator

AI speech synthesis


Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Wireless Headphone                   Howard Jolson
Ream of Paper         Annette Dube
Smart Fan          Ray Block  
Carry Case       Wilma J.Martinez 

Congratulations to our club winner!

50/25/25  - Winners of $16 each.
John Hess and Roger Watkins

Meeting was adjourned 2:12pm.......39 plus 2 zooming
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, first VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Room A
Jan 5, 2023

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy & Annette,
Frank, John, Joan, GladysB, Lou, GladysK & Kim, 
Marsha Via Zoom

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We did not have our Salute to the Flag. We introduced 6 new members.  

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from December.  They were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

                                                   Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes from the website.
The classroom upstairs is now reopened for our use. 
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 

Luncheon Committee – Frank announced our
********Annual Luncheon
on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 12 noon
in the Century Village Party Room
catered by Eatalia Restaurant,

Eggplant Parmigiana
Chicken Parmagiana
Shrimp Scampi
Baked Ziti
Bread and Butter
Water, Coffee & Cake
and Prizes of $100, $50, $25 and free club memberships!!! Tickets to be sold DURING the January, February & March meetings only!!!

Please pay with exact change or a check to CVCC
 $9/Members and & $16 Guest, exact change PLEASE

Old Business –  none

New Business  - we have a new Board Member.  Kim Yarns has joined our Board.  Welcome Kim!
We also will be serving refreshments at each meeting.

Presentation -  Kathy made a presentation on how to be careful online and to be careful about getting scammed with your emails, etc. 

Congratulations to our Blue Ticket Door Prize winners:
Bluetooth Wireless Headphone          Gladys Kohler

Ream of Paper         Lou Harris
3.1 amp dual USB Wall Charger          Frank Congi
CDs/DVDs                   Jean Block  
Popcorn Maker          ??? 

Congratulations to our club winner!

50/25/25  - Winners of $15 each.
Celia Hilmer and Howard Jolson

                    Meeting was adjourned 2:30pm.......36 plus no zooming

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, First VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Party Room
Dec 1, 2022

Board Attendance:  Ken, Annette,
Frank, John, Joan, GladysB, Lou, GladysK & Marsha (on zoom)

Absent:  Greg,  LindaS, Kathy

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. We held a moment of silence for our former Secretary Linda Shernoff.  We introduced one new member.  

Secretary's Minutes – Ken read the minutes.  No objections.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of
$2,207.27 plus a deposit of $195 to be added.

 Committee Reports

Education - Ken went over the schedule for our classes on the website.
The classroom upstairs is closed due to the clubhouse renovation.  Ken has been using Card room B and Zoom for our Classes.

John is doing a beginner class on Wednesdays at 1pm in card room B
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 
Election Committee – we asked if we can just continue with our present board for another term.  Unanimously agreed.
Luncheon committee – Frank announced we will be making a decision soon about our annual luncheon.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -.  none

Presentation -  Ken made a presentation on artificial intelligence. the following links below were discussed

1911 movie of NY City enhanced by AI

enhance the face in a photograph

New York Library digital collection

Paraphrase Online

Vocal Remover

Create an alert for information

Vote by mail request for Florida residents

Congratulations to our club winner!
50/50  - Winner of $13
Jane Aspinall

Meeting was adjourned 1:55pm.......19 plus 2 zooming


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Room 103
Nov 3, 2022

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette,
Frank, GladysB, Lou, GladysK & Marsha (on zoom)
Absent:  Greg,  John, Linda, Joan

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 2 new members welcomed.

Secretary's Minutes – minutes were not read since we had no minutes to read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of    $2,012.27

Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classeson the website.
We need to check wwith John about the beginner computer class since he was unavailable at this meeting.  The classroom upstairs is closed due to the clubhouse renovation.  Ken has been using CardroomB for his Monday Class.
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards. 

Old Business –  none

New Business  -.  none

Presentation -  Ken spoke of the ability to use certain browsers to get all your work done whether it is a document, spreadsheet or a presentation.  The following links are suggested……. 

remove background

photo restoration

colorize photo

photo editor

Online storage

online storage

Congratulations to our club winner!

50/50  - Winner of $15
Peter Amato

Meeting was adjourned at 2:17pm.......22 plus 2 zooming

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi…….First VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Room 103
April 7, 2022

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette,
John, Frank, GladysB, Lou, GladysK, Joan & (Marsha on zoom)

Absent:  Greg & Linda

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 2 new members.  They were introduced and welcomed.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from last month which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of $1941.80

Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes.
John  will hold his Beginner Computer class on Wednesdays at 1pm.  .
However, due to dusty & noisy construction, John will return soon.
Please check our website for updated Class info and the Bulletin Board on the 2nd floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or class postponements. 
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -.  none

Presentation -  Ken spoke of new scams and browser problems. 
Google has latest update #100-0-4896-75 which is safe to use

Edge has not been updated as of this writing.
Be aware!!!  Your own bank is asking you for your info????
Your own phone number looks like it is calling you!!!!

Here are two links that was demonstrated today
Use Wiki How to make inquiries.

Remove backgrounds from pictures
Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket Raffle
Ream of Paper      Susan Ullrich
CD/DVD Cleaner            Denise Turcotte
Car Charger           Dennis Dapolito

50/25/25  - Winners of $8 each
Lou Harris
Grace Macklin

Meeting was adjourned 2:00pm.......24 plus 2 zooming

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi…….First VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Room 103
March 3, 2022

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette,
John, Frank, GladysB, Lou, GladysK, (on zoom Marsha)

Absent:  Greg.

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 3 new members this meeting.  Two were introduced and welcomed.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from last month which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

 Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes. 
Ken will hold his class on any subject every Monday at 1030am.
However. This coming Monday is cancelled.  It is listed on the cancellation page and he will send out an email notice.
Ken will also hold his MAC class at 1030am every Wednesday via Zoom. 
John  will hold his Beginner Computer class on Wednesdays at 1pm.  .

Please check our website for updated Class info and the Bulletin Board on the 2nd floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or class postponements. 
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -.  none

Presentation -  Ken showed us a few Google Email Tips

Congratulations to our club winners!

We had a special Door Prize Raffle of five (5) Publix  $25 gift cards  This was done since we cancelled our Luncheon due to covid 19 problems.

50/25/25  - Winners of $12 each
Susan Harris
Peter Amato

Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm.......32 plus 3 zooming

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi…….First VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Room 103
Feb 3, 2022

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette,
John, Frank, Gladys
B, Lou, GladysK, (on zoom Marsha)

Absent:  Greg.

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were no new members this meeting.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.  We have a balance of

      Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes.
Ken will hold his class on any subject every Monday at 1030am
Kathy cancelled her Media Madness class due to attendance issues.  
Ken will hold his MAC class at 1030am every Wednesday via Zoom. 
John  will hold his Beginner Computer class on Wednesdays at 1pm.  .
Please check our website for updated Class info and the Bulletin Board on the 2nd floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or class postponements. 
The website link is on your lanyards.

Old Business –  none

New Business  -.  none

Presentation -  Ken showed us a few websites Click on the links 

Wordle word game

iPhone built in Dictionary

Guttenburg – scanning old  books now available as 60,000 eBooks.

how to free up space on phone

Learn a language

Household Hacker

Learn How to Play the Guitar

Washing post recipes

Coursera free University level courses

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

Ream of Paper – Annette Dube
Password Journal – Clara Kozol

50/25/25  - Winners of $11 each
Joan Reilly
Frank Congi

Meeting was adjourned 2:10pm.......35 plus 4 zooming

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi…….First VP


General Meeting January 6, 2022

Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Annette, Joan, Gladys, Linda and Marsha

Absent: Kathy, Frank, John, Greg & Lou

Q & A was run by Ken

Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones -We had salute to the Flag

Presidents Report: 

Secretary's Minutes: Ken read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read

Treasurer's Report:  Annette - current balance $1,070.10 - Today 4 renewals & 4 new members


Education: Ken gave info on current classes - also can check (CVCC website Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor should show if classes postponed or not

Old Business: None reported

New Business: None reported

Presentation: Ken - Showed different search engines to use (Besides Google) - using Chrome as your browser

  1. YOU.COM
  3. BRAVE
  4. YAHOO
  5. BING

Congratulations to our Club Winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were: 

Canon Pixma Printer …….Joan Fitzgerald

Phone Stand ……………...Ryszard Miezianko

No Raffle Today

Meeting Adjourned 2:05 PM    23 & 4 Z

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Steiniger,  Board Member


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting Minutes
Room 103
Dec 2, 2021

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette, John, Frank, Gladys, Lou,(on zoom Marsha)

Absent:  Joan, LindaN, LindaS, Greg.

Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were no new members this meeting.

Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.

Committee Reports

Education - Kathy went over the schedule for our classes. 
Ken will hold his class on ant subject every Monday at 1030am
 Kathy will start her Media Madness Class on Mondays at 1pm on03Jan2022
Ken will also hold his MAC class at 1030am every Wednesday.  This class “may”
be held by Zoom (to be determined if it will be virtual or in person)
John  will hold his Beginner Computer class on Wednesdays at 1pm.  .

Please check our website for updated Class info and the Bulletin Board on the 2nd floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or class postponements. 
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards.

ByLaw Committee – Nothing to Report

Election Committee – We asked those in attendance to allow us to forego our election this year.  We will return in November 2022 with our Elections as usual.  Everyone agreed.

Luncheon Committee – frank explained the membership pays half price for our luncheon.  The remainder is subsidized by our club.  Guests, however, will pay full price.  The menu from Rollatini is be a choice of Grilled Salmon, Chicken Psrmigiana, Penne Marinara with italian mixed vegetables and a Greek Salad including plain and garlic rolls.  We will announce a price at our next meeting or via email prior to the meeting.  The Board will decide what needs to be done. The luncheon will be on March 10th 

Old Business – Linda Nugent, Secretary, will return in January.

New Business  - Ken has advised Microsoft is planning on making a leaner laptop similar to Chromebook.  Therefore, we are waiting for this to happen before we try a Windows 11 machine. 


Presentation -  Ken began with explanation of Browsers and examples. You can have many browsers which you can open all at once while you are online.  Ken also showed his Google Drive Account and explained if you have a gmail account, you can use Google Drive.  There are many applications you can use within Google Drive.  For instance, if you have Word documents or Excel spreadsheets or Powerpoint presentations, Google drive can open and convert them all for you to see and edit. He gave conversion demos for Word Docs, Excel and Powerpoint.  He also showed many items within the application like findimg podcasts, translations and airfare shopping,   Microsoft  and Apple also have their own Drives to use.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:

Ream of Paper – Karen Freeling
Travel Case – Joan Karp

50/25/25  - Winners of $10 each
Joe Krebs
Yadwina Fazzina

Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm.......33

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi…….First VP


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Room 103
Nov 4, 2021

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette, John, Frank, Gladys, Lou,(on zoom: Joan and Marsha)  Absent:  Absent:  Linda and Greg,
Q&A was run by Ken

Ken opened the meeting by asking that cell phones be silenced. We had our Salute to the Flag. 4 new members were introduced.

President's Report -   Ken reminded members that the computer club has been having meetings throughout the Pandemic via Zoom and will continue to hold a hybrid meeting via zoom and in person. The Monday and Wednesday class will be in the club classroom and on Zoom

Secretary's Minutes – There were no minutes to b read.

Treasurer's Report -   Annette gave her report.

Committee Reports

Education Kathy thanked all the members who physically came to our meeting to personally attend.  It was wonderful to be able to see EVERYONE!!!!  We also had a show of hands, almost all in attendance were vaccinated and "boostered"

Kathy also went over the schedule for our classes. 
Ken will begin on 15nov at 1030am to give his class on any subject.  Ken will also begin his MAC class at 1030am on Wednesdays. 
John plans to begin on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving (01Dec) with his Beginner class.  .

Please check our website for updated Class info and the Bulletin Board on the 2nd floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or class postponements. 
A reminder to kindly wear your ID's at all functions.  The website link is on your lanyards.

 Old Business - None

New Business  - Ken asked about Windows 11 which may not be an available update to everyone.  Frank made a motion to purchase a new Windows 11 laptop.  It was seconded and discussion followed.  it was voted in by the vast majority with four no votes.

Linda Steiniger has resigned as Secretary and will remain on our Board   
Thank you Linda for your help. 
Linda Nugent was recruited to be our new Secretary and she accepted.  She will begin asap.

Presentation -  Ken demonstrated a couple of photo programs……

Cleanup Pictures and
to show how we can edit our photos.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:

Car charger.......Les Lerman
Ear Buds…….Catherine Silver
Ear Buds………Linda Nugent

50/25/25  - no drawing this week

Meeting was adjourned 2:25pm.......37

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi…….First VP

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
September 2, 2021
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken,  Annette, John, Gladys, & Lou
Absent: Kathy,Frank,Linda,Marsha, Greg & Joan
Q & A was run by Ken

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
March 5, 2020
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda , John, Frank, Gladys, Greg, Joan & Lou
Absent: Jack & Marsha
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones -We had salute to the Flag - Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Annette - current balance $3,246.79 and anyone who previously paid see her after meeting for your badge - Bring exact change or check and come early to sign up for Computer Club
Education: Thanked Patricia , Jay & Joan for filling in - had 5 people helping on apple devices & 3 on android for Media Madness class. Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's  to classes -All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes which are upstairs in Computer room - Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
By-Law Committee - Frank -Explained we are voting on updated change to By-Laws  -meeting change to one time a month instead of two -Emails have gone out the past few months to remind all of Bylaw change.
Voted unanimously to adapt change in Bylaw to meeting 1X a month.
Luncheon Committee - Frank - Luncheon will be March 12, 2020 - 12 PM -Party Room- Rollatini will be catering - $9.00 members - $18.00 non members -Frank read menu for luncheon - Prizes at luncheon - $100.00 and (2) $50.00 Walmart gift cards and (5) $25.00 Publix cards and 6 free memberships -Tickets on sale today- last day to buy -New member Michael Mattoli and wife will be sing  -Approximate tickets sold 77 & 1 guest 
New Business: None reported
Presentation: Ken - Showed picture of Mars (explained took days to get full picture)
link to mars rover pix
1.Showed how to send files
2. how to insert speech bubble on photo  Speech bubble 
3.How to create filter for unwanted emails 
4.Iphone send pictures as low quality or create link
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Sharper Image WiFi Socket ……… M. Parker
USB 32 gb ..........
Fan for Android phone .......
50/25/25 - 15.00 Each ....Linda Steiniger & Grace Macklin

Meeting Adjourned 2:22 PM…...60
Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Steiniger, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
February 6, 2020
Meeting Room C
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda , John, Frank, Jack, Gladys, Marsha, Greg, Joan & Lou
Absent: 0
Ballots were distributed - Introduction of member running for Board and brief talk on their experience for running - Jack Adams, Gladys Buonocaore, Lou Harris and Joan Reilly - Not present at time Ana Polakovich
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - Introduced new members - We had salute to the Flag
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Kathy read her report as she was helping Seymour with election ballots
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's  to classes -All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes which are upstairs in Computer room - Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
By-Law Committee - Frank (Seymour counting election ballots) - Explained we are updating By-Laws because of meeting change to one time a month instead of two
Luncheon Committee - Frank - Luncheon will be March 12, 2020 - 12 PM -Party Room- Rollatini will be catering - $9.00 members - $18.00 non members -Frank read menu for luncheon - Tickets on sale today and will be on sale next  meeting on March 5th -New member Michael and wife will be entertainment
Old Business: Seymour gave Election results - 56 ballots received - 54 were good and 2 rejected
Results - Jack Adams, Gladys Buonocaore, Lou Harris and Joan Reilly were elected to new term on Board
New Business: None reported
Presentation: Ken - Showed us commercial run during Superbowl it was for "Password Manager"for 5.6 million and no one present saw it who watched superbowl
Spoke that Microsoft has a new browser called Microsoft Edge Chromium
 Showed Youtube video on how to use and discussion followed
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Electronic cleaning wipes container………Eva O'Doherty
Password Journal ..........Greg Kremenchugsky
Ream of paper.......Joseph Krebs
50/25/25 - 20.00 Each ....Annette Dube' & Maureen Sullivan

Meeting Adjourned 2:10 PM…...65
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
January 2, 2020
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda , John, Frank, Jack, Gladys, Marsha,  Greg & Lou
Absent: Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - Introduced new members - We had salute to the Flag
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Annette read her report and anyone who previously paid see her after meeting for your badge - Bring exact change or check and come early to sign up for Computer Club
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's  to classes -All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes which are upstairs in Computer room - Media class will start - Monday January 6th - Starts 1 PM until done -Bring any media devices you need help with - Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
Nominating Committee: Linda read criteria for being elected to Board on February 6, 2020 - stated current 4 Board members who are up will run again Joan Reilly, Gladys Buonacore, Lou Harris, Jack Adams and nominee Ana Polakovich - Nominations now closed - election next meeting 2/6/2020
By-Law Committee - Seymour - Explained we are updating By-Laws because of meeting change and will be in Article VI
Luncheon Committee - Frank - Luncheon will be March 12, 2020 - 12 PM -Party Room- Rollatini will be catering - $9.00 members - $18.00 non members -Frank read menu for luncheon - Tickets on sale now with Seymour in back of room and will be on sale next 2 meetings also -New member Michael wil sing at luncheon
Old Business: Only one meeting a month - Meetings now 1st Thursday of month year round
New Business: Board Elections February 6, 2020
Presentation: Kathy - Had Michael show us go to Youtube type in Karaoke and artist you want and search - song list will come up -press any song and sing
Q&A continued by Ken
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
32gb flash drive………Barbara Cornish
Password Journal ..........Bruce Tripp
Ream of paper.......Margaret Romano
50/25/25 - 13.00 Each ....Gail Trust & George Torjussen

Meeting Adjourned 2:12 PM…...54
Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
December 19 , 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Kathy, Annette, Linda , John, Frank, Jack, Joan,  Greg & Lou
Absent: Ken, Gladys & Marsha
Q & A was run by Kathy
Kathy opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - Introduced new members - We had salute to the Flag
Vice Presidents Report: Kathy - The Board has decided we will have one meeting a month beginning 2020 on the first Thursday of every month.  As a result we have to play catch up and make a by-law amendment change - We will vote on bylaw change first Thursday in March (3/5)
To allow the nominations to end as scheduled I suggest election date this year for February 6, 2020 instead of January 16, 2020
Motion made by Kathy - Change voting this year to February 6th from January 16th - 2nd and passed
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Annette read her report and anyone who previously paid see her after meeting for your yellow stickers - Today 2 new members & 7 renewals
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's  to classes -All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes - Kathy will start her Media class with five others - Monday January 6th - Starts 1 PM until done -Bring any media devices you need help with  Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
Nominating Committee: Linda read criteria for being elected to Board on February 6, 2020 - stated current 4 Board members who are up will run again - ask for nominations from floor - Greg nominated Ana Polakovich and she accepted
By-Law Committee - Seymour - Handed out changes to by-laws and went over each change with us in Article VI
Luncheon Committee - Frank - Luncheon will be March 12, 2020 - Rollatini will be catering - $9.00 members - $18.00 non members -Frank read menu for luncheon - Tickets on sale January 2, 2020 -Asked new member Michael if he would sing at luncheon - gladly accepted - Kathy will send email to remind him
Old Business: Holiday Gift were given to Administration and Ticket Office
New Business: Only one meeting a month effective 2020
Presentation: Kathy-  First showed CVCC website and explained tabs - went to learning center tab and then YouTube - showed all the things you can enjoy and learn from You Tube - just put anything in search box and there will probably be a YouTube video on it - we tried many different searches from how to take photo's with Iphone to music to TV shows and  how to fix anything
Kathy asked new member Michael if he would give presentation at our next General Meeting in January on using Karaoke on your computer - he accepted - Kathy will send email to remind him
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Sandisk 32gb flash drive………Ana Polakovich
Password Journal ..........Joan Karp
Cell phone stand with pouch.......Robert Mareotte
50/25/25 - 8.00 Each ....Frank Congi & George Torjussen

Meeting Adjourned 2:16 PM…...31
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
December 5 , 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda , John, Frank, Gladys, Greg, Marsha & Lou
Absent: Jack & Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Annette read her report and anyone who previously see her after meeting for your yellow stickers - Today 2 new members & 13 renewals
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes - Kathy will start her media class Monday January 6th - 1 PM it will be run by Kathy, Annette, Celia, Dianne, Gladys & Linda Shirnoff - Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
Nominating Committee: Linda read criteria for being elected to Board on January 16, 2020 - stated current 4 Board members who are up will run again - ask for nominations from floor - none given
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Kathy stated we will be sending our Holiday Gift to Administration and ticket office

Presentation: Ken -  1. Current UCO Reporter has Ad by ABB $29.99 month for internet Total $35.15 with taxes & fee's with Tivo option - discussion followed
2. Smart Tv on news -is it watching you? Majority do not have camera's - showed how to turn off use remote w/ TV menu buttons
3. Discussed company's selling our data - Google (gives free & takes our info) Website "No more Google" shows other browsers beside chrome - showed alternative browser "Brave"
4. Website reputation checker - put in any website you want to check and will analysis if any problem with it
Google has a site - Santa Tracker - interactive with games etc.
5. Showed how if have spreadsheet like a rooster to print can put on google drive open in google sheets -get rid of empty fields - adjust to fit and print
6. Showed how to block unwanted emails - send to trash or delete or create a filter to block
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
6 ' USB cable ………Aston Parker (?)
Password Journal ..........Michael Hilmer
Smart phone plastic caddy .......Greg Kremenchugsky
50/25/25 - 12.00 Each ....Michael Hilmer and Tom Salisbury

Meeting Adjourned 2:30 PM…...46
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
November 21, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda John, Frank, Gladys, Lou
Absent: Greg, &Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  Annette read her report and anyone who previously see her after meeting for your yellow stickers - Today 3 new members & 15 renewals
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's All new members can attend no need to sign up for classes - Kathy will start her media class in January - Bulletin Board next to classroom on 2nd floor will show if classes postponed or not
Nominating Committee: Linda read criteria for being elected to Board on January 16, 2020 - stated current 4 Board members who are up will run again - ask for nominations from floor - none given
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nominating Committee report

Presentation: Ken -  Cloud Storage
Companies that have cloud storage - Amazon, Drop Box, Google, Apple & Microsoft and many more
On cell phone sometimes says cloud full for back up - and will offer Ex:  50 gig for 99 cents a month - if you use Google photo's for picture storage (unlimited storage) then you can remove your photo's from phone and no need to pay for storage - you can have Google photo will analysis your photo's and remove from your phone
Google cloud is called "My Drive" and showed us how to add files to My Drive
Microsoft cloud is "One Drive" and showed us how to add files to One Drive
There is a cloud server called "BOX"
ICloud drive - 5 gig space - good for Macintosh (MAC) users
Multicloud - can put a couple of other cloud services on site & can move files from one cloud to another cloud
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Cell phone stand with pouch………Catherine Silver
Water proof bag for most smart phones ..........George Pappadapoulos
32gb USB Flash drive .......Lou Harris

50/25/25 - $8.00 Each ...Lou Harris & Suzanne Beck

Meeting Adjourned 2:16 PM…...30
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
November 7, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Linda, Kathy, Annette, John, Frank, Gladys, Lou
Absent:  Jack, Marsha, Greg, &Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda did not read minutes - last minutes were from August
Treasurer's Report:  Annette read her report and noted next meeting will get 2020 stickers for new and renewal members
Education:  Kathy read classes from CVCC website - Link is on your lanyard -Also wear ID's
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report

Presentation: Ken -  Scammers
He played voicemail of
1. Scammer saying from Social Security & your SS# is suspended - SS will not call you!
 2. Final courtesy call ref: warranty on car - Scam
Read from website - 25 things of Do you remember ?
Saw ad for Amazon Prime -Veterens can get by 11-11-19 a $79.00 annual fee -ussually $119.00
Black Friday - Amazon will have a "device" sale - good discounts
In the AARP bulletin - Re: coupons on computer - Extensions to put on Chrome browser - Honey gives best price on item - Price Blink compares prices for you and Rakuten pays you cash back to shop
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Password Journal………Donnie Bockelkamp
Ream of Paper ..........Linda Nugent
32gb USB Flashdrive .......Vincent Piccione

50/25/25 - $10.00 Each ...Emile Thibault & John Hess

Meeting Adjourned 2:04 PM…...45
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
August 1, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Linda, Jack, John
Absent:  Kathy, Frank, Annette, Marsha, Greg, Lou, Joan & Gladys
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  No report available.  
Education:  Ken stated classes on Monday & Wednesdays upstairs 2nd floor  Computer Classroom 
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Ken asked any ABB unresolved issues - small discussion
ABB will have free WIFI at pools - sign into "ABB free wifi" no password needed

Presentation: Ken -  What is a "Paywall" - Ex: reading an article in a newspaper on line and then after a couple of articles asks for payment to proceed reading more
Also discussed cookies, chrome extensions and TSA facial recognition in addition to Free TV apps
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Password Journal………Sue Beck
Cell phone grip ring/ kickstand ..........Judith Morris
Microcenter 32gb USB drive - Grace Macklin
50/25/25 - $9.00 Each ...Emil Thibault & Joan Karp

Meeting Adjourned 2:20 PM…...25
Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
June 06, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Linda, Jack, John, Gladys
Absent:  Kathy, Frank, Annette, Marsha, Greg, Lou & Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  No report available.  If there is anyone who needs their ID Please see us after the meeting
Education:  Linda stated class schedule is on our website check your lanyard and wear ID's.
Also our Computer Classroom is Upstairs.  Follow the signs.
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Presentation: Ken -  Taking pictures of old photos with phone - downloading to computer and printing new ones
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Password Journal………Barbara Seide
Bluetooth Speaker ..........Sally Speidel
Ativa -6' USB Android micro USB 2.0 Cable - Joan Karp

We did not do 50/25/25 today.
Meeting Adjourned 2:30 PM…...16
Respectfully Submitted

Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
May 02, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy,
Frank, Jack, John, Gladys & Lou
Absebt:  Annette, Linda, Marsha, Greg & Joan
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Kathy read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report:  No report available.  if there is anyone who needs their ID Please see us after the meeting
Education:  Kathy went over the class schedule from our website and wear ID's.
Also our Computer Classroom is Upstairs.  Follow the signs.
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Last call for 50/50
Presentation: Ken -  Gmail settings for Font & Size of letters. 
Update on Atlantic Broadband – UPS will be picking up Comcast equipmenr every Friday in May from 9am – 12pm in the temporary ABB office on the second floor.
Ken went through several items regarding the ABB TIVO service.
PLEASE do not reply to anything within an  “UNSOLICITED”  email!!!!!
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.......Grace Macklin
Password Journal………Gladys Kohler
Wireless Speaker ..........Suzan Beck
Multiple USB Holder*……….John Hess
Multiple USB Holder*……Dolly Rothenberg
*  kindly donated by Dennis O’Brien
We did not do 50/25/25 today.
Meeting Adjourned 2:30 PM…...25
Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Congi , first VP
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
April 18, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda, Frank, Jack, John & Lou
Absent: Marsha, Gladys, Joan & Greg
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report: Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their ID to see her after the meeting
Education: Kathy advised all classroom is on 2nd floor not this room then went over class schedule from our website and wear ID's
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Last call for 50/50
Presentation: Ken - 
Update on Atlantic Broadband - Comcast no longer picking up equipment after install - will need to return on own
AB also will be adding channels as of 6/4/19- Telemundo, Tele..???..., Univision, Create & Health
We can access 3 free premium channels - HBO - Showtime & Epix anywhere in US on computer & Amazon Firestick - need AB email address (which we all can get) sign onto site Example: Epix - select provider : Atlantic Broadband - enter your AB email address & password and then should have access to Epix

New fraud going on with bank deposits made on phones by taking pictures of checks - people could be depositing your original check to them & then altering checks for higher amount and redepositing same check and banks are paying - check your bank statements carefully

Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.......John Hess
Powerpack Charger.........Linda Steiniger
USB 8GB ..........Barbara Barlow

50/25/25 - $7.00 Each ...John Hess & Joan Karp

Meeting Adjourned 1:50 PM....27
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
April 4, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda, Frank, Jack, John, Marsha, Gladys & Lou
Absent: Joan & Greg
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag- Introduced new members
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report: Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their ID to see her after the meeting
Education: Kathy went over class schedule from our website
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Last call for 50/50
Presentation: Ken - 
PBC - Library - have apps for phone or tablet (Can install phone apps on chromebook) which you can get book, audio books, magazines, music, movies, TV shows etc
Explained different apps & what was available - see below
Research page
your cloud library
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Premium Earbuds.......Gladys Buoivacore
5' USB Cable.........Donnie Bockelkamp
USB 8GB ..........George Torjussen

50/25/25 - $9.00 Each ...Gladys Buoivacore & Susan Harris
Meeting Adjourned 2:20 PM....43
Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Steiniger, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting  
March 21, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda, Frank, John, Marsha, Gladys & Lou
Absent: Jack, Joan & Greg
Q & A was run by Ken
Ken opened meeting and asked to silence cell phones - We had salute to the Flag
Presidents Report:
Secretary's Minutes: Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report: Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their ID to see her after the meeting
Education: Kathy noted this Monday 3/25 is last Media Madness class she then went over class schedule from our website
Luncheon Committee: Frank - Thanked all for showing up for luncheon - Asked How did we do - discussion followed - Next year luncheon will be March 12, 2020
Old Business: Nothing to report
New Business: Nothing to report
Last call for 50/50
Presentation: Ken - 
1. Explained use of flashdrive
3. Firefox - sending up to 1G file for free "Simple, private sharing"
4. Showed video free mobile app - Passport Entry -for entry back into   Country-"Mobile Passport"
5. Free password Manager - on device not internet - "Myki" showed video
6. Android app- "Goggle Translate" able to set up foreign language in a conversational way
Gave Atlantic Broadband's direct line for Century Village - 844-489-7509
(Note: If have phone and keeping with ABB it needs to be ported if keeping same # - let ABB know you have phone)
Congratulations to our Club Winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Premium Earbuds.......Denise Turcotte
Handheld Calculator.........Lou Harris
USB 32GB ..........Joan Karp

50/25/25 - $9.00 Each ...Diane Stowge & John Hess

Meeting Adjourned 2:20 PM....36
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Steiniger, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club 
General Meeting
March 7, 2019  
Meeting Room 103 
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda 
John, Frank, Marsha, Jack, Joan & Gladys 
Absent:  Lou & Greg
Q&A was run by Ken. 
Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones. We had Salute to the Flag and welcomed new members
  President's Report:  
Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read. 
Treasurer's Report - Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their ID to see her after the meeting.
       Education: Kathy went over class schedule from our website
    Luncheon Committee - Frank - Last day to purchase tickets - 
Luncheon Thursday 3/14/19 - Noon 
               Party Room - Lots of Door Prizes - 71 people to date  - 
     Tickets - $9.00 Member - $18.00 Guest 

Old Business - Nothing to report 
New Business - Ken advised us on Zero Day Vulnerability Re: Hackers on Google Chrome this week and how to check if Chrome is updated

Last call for 50/50 
Presentation - Ken  Showed Google video on data they get from our google searches - shows all info even when we travel -
  “artificial intelligence” will be available in a few months on Google pixel  phones  then Android then IPhones 
Website colorize black & white photos 
 Another site for Autodraw - basically make your own clipart
Congratulations to our club winners! 
Blue Ticket prizes were: 
Android USB cable ……..Vinny Lee
Cleaning clothes for screen……...Catherine Silver
Portable Bluetooth Speaker …….Linda Nugent

50/25/25- $17.00 Each… Nicole Doyon & Joe Krebs
Meeting was adjourned 2:25 PM…..57
Respectfully submitted,

Linda Steiniger, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club 
General Meeting
February 21, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Linda John, Frank, Marsha, Jack, Greg & Gladys
Absent: Lou & Joan Q&A was run by Ken.
Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones. We had Salute to the Flag
President's Report:
Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from our last 
were accepted as read.
Treasurer's Report - Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone
who needs their ID to see her after the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS
Education: Kathy went over class schedule from our website
Luncheon Committee - Frank - Luncheon Thursday 3/14/19 - Noon
Party Room - Lots of Prizes - Asked Seymour collection for today -$63.00 - 52 people to date - Tickets - $9.00 Member - $18.00 Guest
Kathy will send out email on luncheon again
Old Business - Nothing to report New Business - Nothing to report
Last call for 50/50
Presentation - Ken gave talk on  Atlantic Broadband- he is currently testing service in his home.  Saving YouTube videos to your computer with  Showed video on Iphone use and discussed
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

Ream of Paper ........Thomas Kansas
Stereo Earbuds .........Joseph Krebs
Duster Spray ...
Greg Kremenchugsky 

50/25/25- $9.00 Each...
 Henriette Tchang & Grace Macklin 

Meeting was adjourned 2:25 PM.....38
Respectfully submitted, Linda Steiniger, Secretary 
Century Village Computer Club 
General Meeting
February 7, 2019  
Meeting Room 103 
Board AttendanceKen, Kathy, Annette, Linda 
John,Frank, Lou, Marsha, Joan, Jack, Greg & Gladys 
Absent:  x
Q&was run by Ken. 
Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phonesWe had Salute to the Flag - We welcomed new members. 
Secretary's Minutes Linda read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read. 
Treasurer'Report Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their ID to see her after the meeting.
Education: Kathy advised to read class schedule from our website
(Link is on our lanyards)
By-Law Committe - Frank asked for vote on bylaw change-
 the Secretary and the Treasurer must reside in Century Village for a period of not less than six (6) months of each year in which they serve.
Luncheon Committee - Frank -Asked Seymour collection for today -$396.00- Tickets - $9.00 Member - $18.00 Guest - Told us menu
3/14/19 - Noon - Party Room - Lots of Prizes
Old Business Nothing to report 
New Business - Nothing to report

Last call for 50/50 
Presentation Ken did presentation on 1. Internet Speed 2. Security Also google extension  password check up 3. Google program for deaf and hard of hearing 4. Email
Congratulations to our club winners! 
Blue Ticket prizewere: 
Rapid car charger/screen cloth ……..Peter Amato
Binder calculator/screen cloth ……...Liz Wall
USB 32gb flash drive/screen cloth …….Mary Walsh

50/25/25- $16.00 Each… Joe Krebs & Grace Macklin

Meeting was adjourned 2:20 PM…..59
Respectfully submitted,

Linda SteinigerSecretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Jan 17, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, John, Greg, Lou, Jack, Linda,Marsha & Joan
 We welcomed five new members.
President’s Report: We canceled Q & A to allow time for Atlantic Broadband
Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read.
Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their id to see her after the meeting. Also please make an effort to show up early to pay dues etc. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy advised the Class Schedule is on the Website.  The link is on your lanyards.
Election Committee 
– Given by Joan Reilly.  Each nominee was asked to confirm their positions.   Lou Harris and Thomas Kansas declined their nominations.
No Election necessary.  Joan cast one vote for
Ken Graff as President
Kathy Congi as 1st Vice President
Annette Dube as 2nd Vice President
Linda Steiniger as Secretary
Annette Dube as Treasurer
And the following Board members
Frank Congi, John Hess, Marsha Goldstein,
Greg Kremenchugsky & Gladys Buonacore. 
Congratulations to You All for the term of two years!
By-law Committee – Frank read the by-law Proposal Change which has been sent to everyone for two months.  It is also up on the By-Law page on our website.  We will vote on this change on our first Thursday in February meeting.
Luncheon Committee – Frank announced the Luncheon menu for our Annual Luncheon which is scheduled for 14march2019 served by Rollatini Restaurant
Old Business - Nothing to report
New Business  - Nothing to report.
Presentation – Melissa from Atlantic Broadband went over the packages which are available above and beyond normal TV service.  She explained we will get a postcard first in the mail and then a letter will follow to go to the Synagogue to “Sign Up”  This will begin from 21jan to 15feb.  This will be done Building by Building.  Installations of equipment will begin in March 2019.  You can check on the blog for updated info 
You can also check the webpage from Atlantic Broadband too
This page is dedicated to Century Village only. 

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Logitech Mouse……..…Joan Karp
4 Pocket File…………....Mildred Hejda
Ream of Paper…….….William J Latham

50/25/25 Winners……no 50/25/25 sold for this meeting.

Meeting was adjourned 2:50pm .....80
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Jan 03, 2019
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy & Annette
Frank, John, Greg, Lou, Jack, Linda,Marsha & Joan
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones.  We had our Salute to the Flag. We welcomed four new members.
President’s Report: Nothing to Report
Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read.
Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their id to see her after the meeting.
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy read the Class Schedule from the Website page. .
Nominating Committee 
– Given by Joan Reilly.  All those on our Board who are up for Election will be running.  The Executive Board Ken, Kathy, Annette and the Board Members, Frank, John, Greg, Marsha.  Nominations were opened.  Lou Harris will run for Treasurer.  Linda Steiniger will run as Secretary.  Gladys Buonacore and Thomas Kansas were also nominated for Board members.  Nominations were opened and closed.  We have  a full Roster, as a result.    Our election date will be on 17january 2019.
By-law Committee – Frank explained at our last Board meeting the question came up that we do not have a Treasurer who is a full time resident who is in residence for 9 months for a few years now.  The Board decided to let the By-Law Committee decide what we should do about this. The By-law Committee chose to change the nine month rule to a six month rule in Article V. There were no questions.    Kathy will announce this change in an email for two months (December and  January).  We will also put it up on the Website for review and we will vote on this on our first Thursday in February meeting.
Old Business - Nothing to report
New Business  - Ken announced we have a new TV set to use which is on wheels instead of using our projector.  Ken also plans to ask WPRF if something can be done to lower the sound coming from our Old classroom.  We also purchased a Win 10 Mini PC (2 HDMI ports; 4 USB portd; 64GB Hard Drive with 5G Ram to be setup for our Members to use
Presentation – Given by Ken.  We saw a video about how you can now establish “DNA” for your possessions.  In the future you might be able to retrieve an item which was stolen and is in the possession of the police department. ( ) 
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Rapid Car Charger……Linda LoFaso
One wrap ties………..Fred Basserman
USB Thumb Drive…….Kathy Congi
Webcam Cover*……..Thomas Kansas
Webcam Cover*………Joan Reilly
*Kindly donated by Linda Steiniger

50/25/25 Winners……….$14 each……..Joseph Krebs…….Joan Karp

Meeting was adjourned 2:43pm .....50
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Dec 20, 2018
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Kathy & Annette
Frank, Marsha & Joan
Absent:  Ken, John, Greg, Lou, Jack & Linda
Q&A was run by Kathy
Kathy opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones.  We had our Salute to the Flag. We welcomed one new member.
President’s Report: Happy Holiday to ALL
Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read.
Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their id to see her after the meeting.
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy discussed every teacher needs to use the cancellation paper on the wall if they will NOT be able to hold their classes.  She also announced she will start her classes on Mondays at 1pm in January.  She will call her clas “Media Madness”.  Bring all your devices and we will try to help everyone use them.  She will advise Ken again to add this Monday 1pm lecture to our Class page.  The link is on your lanyard.  Please wear your id’s to all functions.
Nominating Committee 
– Given by Joan Reilly.  All those on our Board who are up for Election will be running.  The Executive Board Ken, Kathy, Annette and the Board Members, Frank, John, Greg and Marsha.  Nominations were opened.  Lou Harris will run for Treasurer.  Linda Steiniger will run as Secretary.  Nominations were opened for another Board Member.  Joan nominated Member, Thomas Kansas.  Kathy seconded.  Thomas accepted.. Nominations were closed for this day.  Our election date will be on 17january 2019.
By-law Committee – Frank explained at our last Board meeting the question came up that we do not have a Treasurer who is a full time resident who is in residence for 9 months for a few years now.  The Board decided to let the By-Law Committee decide what we should do about this. The By-law Committee chose to change the nine month rule to a six month rule in Article V.  Discussion followed.  Kathy will announce this change in an email for two months (December and  January).  We will also put it up on the Website for review and we will vote on this on our first Thursday in February meeting.
Old Business - Nothing to report
New Business  - Nothing to Report.
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Flash Drive………Shona Bloom
4 Pocket File…….Pearl Thelfa
Ream of Paper…….Frank Congi

Meeting was adjourned 2:37pm .....35
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi
, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Dec 06, 2018
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy & Annette
John, Greg, Marsha, Joan & Lou
Absent:  Linda, Jack, Frank
Q&A was run by Ken.
Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones.  We had our Salute to the Flag. We welcomed one new member.
President’s Report: Nothing to Report.
Secretary's Minutes – Kathy read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read.
Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their id to see her after the meeting.
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy read the schedule as listed on our website.  She also announced she will start her classes on Mondays at 1pm in January.  She will call her class “Media Madness”.  Bring all your devices and we will try to help everyone use them.  She asked Ken to add it to the website.  The link is on your lanyard.  Please wear your id's to all functions.
Nominating Committee – Given by Joan Reilly.  All those on our Board who are up for Election will be running.  The Executive Board Ken, Kathy, Annette and the Board Members, Frank, John, Greg and Marsha.  Nominations were opened.  Lou Harris will run for Treasurer.  Barbara Barlow has decided she will be unable to run as Secretary as she has a medical issue. Nominations were closed for this day.  Our election date will be on 17january 2019.
Old Business - Nothing to report
New Business  - Nothing to Report.
Presentation - Ken did a presentation showing how to use the Filters in AOL and GMAIL in order to stop unwanted mail from arriving in your InBox.  He also showed how to use   A way for those who do not own a smartphone.  Once you setup an account you can use Uber or Lyft.  Lastly, Ken demo’d a website which shows you if you have been hacked…. You can input your name or email address.
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Vivitar 5’ charging cable……..Marsha Goldstein
Screen Cleaning Wipes……….Catherine Silver
Lexar Flash Drive………Grace Macklin

50/25/25  - $9 each …..Shona Bloom & Vincent Piccione

Meeting was adjourned 2:37pm .....35
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Nov 15, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Annette
John, Marsha, Joan & Lou

Absent:  Greg,  Linda, Jack, Kathy & Frank

Q&A was run by Ken.

Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones.  We had no Salute to the Flag due to no flag in the room. We welcomed one new member.

 President’s Report:  Ken welcomed back our Snowbird Residents.

Secretary's Minutes – Annette read the minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report and asked if there is anyone who needs their id to see her after the meeting.

Committee Reports


 Remember that lectures  run 12 months a year on Mondays at 10AM in our classroom on the second floor

Nominating Committee – Given by Lou Harris.  All those on our Board who are up for Election will be running.  The Executive Board consists of Ken, Kathy, Annette and the Board members, Frank, John, Greg and Marsha.  Nominations were opened.  Lou Harris will become our Treasurer and Barbara Barlow also volunteered to be our Secretary.  Our election date will be 17 january 2019. 

Old Business - Nothing to report

New Business  - A reminder we will continue to have our meetings on the third Thursday of each month in Meeting Room C . 

Presentation - Ken did a presentation with a video of the Word of the Year: Toxic click here for link.  He reviewed what the plans were for Atlantic Broadband.  A Google app regarding music will be posted on our website Click here for link.  The advantages of  Chromebook was discussed since you can use most of the Android apps. A link for the best Black Friday Deals click here . He also mentioned that our classroom has computers with three operating systems that you can tryout. Linux ,Chrome and Windows. Come in on Mondays at 10AM 

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Flash Drive……..Jane Aspinall
Cleaning Wipes Yakov MIlioner
Powerpack T2200……Roger Bradley

50/25/25  - $8 each …..Gerda Latham and Annette Dube

Meeting was adjourned 2:35pm .....33

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Nov 1, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken,  Kathy, Annette
Frank, Jack, John, Linda

Absent:  Greg,  Marsha, Joan, Lou

Q&A was run by Ken.

Ken opened the meeting and asked to silence the phones.  We had our Salute to the Flag. We welcomed new members.

 President’s Report:  Linda has resigned as our secretary.  Ken asked if anyone would like to volunteer.  Barbara Carron volunteered.

Secretary's Minutes – It was decided not to read the minutes because of the time lapse.

Treasurer's Report –  Annette read her report.

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the updated class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending. 

Old Business - Nothing to report

New Business  - Nothing to report

Presentation - Ken did a presentation on the Linux operating system.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Calculator…..Mimi Tater
7 Pocket Folder….Dolly Rothberg
Wireless Speaker….Gladys Buonacore

50/25/25  - Gerda Latham - $16

Meeting was adjourned 2:37pm .....29

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
June 7th, 2018
Meeting Room C

Board Attendance: Ken,LindaSt
Q&A was run by Ken.
Since there were not many in attandence Ken suspended the formal meeting agenda and did a presentation about verious google projects such as google alerts, google flights , google music maker, chrome extentions. The meeting was ajurned at 2:20pm
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
May 3, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken,  Kathy, LindaSh
Frank, Jack

Absent:  Annette, John, Marsha, Joan, LindaSt, Greg, Lou

Q&A was run by Ken.

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. Visitors, potential
new members and those who joined and were present introduced themselves.

President's Report -   Nothing to report

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from April 19, 2018 which were approved.

Treasurer's Report  - Nothing to report due to Annette's summer absence.  Dues for new members will be collected in November upon Annette's return.

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the updated class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending. 

Old Business - Nothing to report

New Business  - Nothing to report

Presentation - Ken reviewed several photo editing websites and demonstrated
some of the editing possibilities from his own photo library.  He will put several
free online photo editing links (i.e., on the CVCC website. 
He also demonstrated how Google Photos, using Google Lens, can identify a wide range of
photo content and provide information about that image.
Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Duster.....Marilyn Gorodetzer
Mouse Pad.....Dolores Battaglia
Wireless Mouse.....Barbara Seide

50/25/25  - Dolores Battaglia - $8.00

Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm .....23

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Apr 19, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken,  Kathy, Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, Lou, Marsha, Jack

Absent:  LindaSt, Greg, Joan

Q&A was run by Ken.

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. 4 new members joined and those present introduced themselves.

President's Report -   Ken reminded the members that during the summer there would only be 1 meeting a month -- to be held in this room.

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from April 5, 2018 which were approved.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette; a reminder to also see her at the end of the meeting if ID badges were needed

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the updated class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending. 

Old Business - nothing to report

New Business  - Effective immediately, we will hold 1 meeting a month --
on the 1st Thursday only.  Effective November 2018, the future 3rd Thursday meetings will become "workshop only" meetings and will be held upstairs in our classroom.

Note:  The 1st Thursday meeting, year-round, will be held in this room.  The 3rd meeting will be held upstairs in the classroom -- to start in November.

Presentation - Ken showed several short videos demonstrating how fake news and fake images could be obtained by using advanced technology.  He also demonstrated how advanced technology is used in "fishing scams   Q&A followed each presentation.  Ken also mentioned several websites that could be used to easily transfer files from 1 device to another i.e.,

And finally, Ken gave a presentation of some of his slides and showed how he "tweaked" several photo elements to create new images by his use of digital imagining.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Flash Drive.....Nicole Doyon
Stationary.....Gail Tomei
Wireless Mouse.....Susan Harris

50/25/25  - Annette Dube - $10

Meeting was adjourned 2:20pm .....28

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Apr 5, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Kathy, Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, LindaSt, Lou, Marsha, Joan
Absent:  Ken, Greg, Jack,

Q&A was run by Kathy.  She mentioned that Windows 10 had an Antivirus built in and also suggested that members should also use Malwarebytes.  Kathy also indicated that wireless printers should stay on at all times and said an occasional restart might be needed. 

Kathy opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. 3 new members joined and those present introduced themselves.

President's Report -   Acknowledgement was given to the Board and Seymour for all their hard work to make the 2018 Luncheon so successful.

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from March 15, 2018 which were approved.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette; a reminder to also see her at the end of the meeting if ID badges were needed

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending.  She indicated that her Media class and Linda's Ipad / IPhone class were over for the season and would resume again in January 2019.  Note:  The Class tab on our website will be updated to reflect this.

Luncheon Committee -- Frank gave his final report and the consensus was that the luncheon was great!  He mentioned that the luncheon next year would be on the second Thursday in March --
 March 14, 2019.

Old Business - nothing to report

New Business  - Kathy said that the second meeting of the month Workshop is not working.  This will be discussed by the Board at our next meeting and we will announce any further changes made to the meetings.  She also thanked Diane, Celia, Gladys, Linda and Annette for all their help.  It was noted that seasonal residents will be leaving soon.

Presentation - Kathy reviewed her technique for capturing a Screen Shot using a computer and using Paint and WordPad.  She also reviewed the Useful Sites and Learning Center tabs on the CVCC website for those members who wanted more in-depth resources.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Pocket file.....Denise Turcotte
Flash Drive.....Vinny Lee
Dust Cleaner....Bill Sheff

50/25/25  - Frank Congi and Vinny Lee.....$10 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:10pm -- 34

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
March 15, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Kathy, Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, Greg, Jack, LindaSt, Lou, Marsha
Absent:  Ken, Joan

Q&A was run by Kathy 

Kathy opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. 0 new members; 1 previous new member introduced herself.

President's Report -   A Happy St. Patty's day was wished to all.

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from February 15, 2018.  Following correction noted:
We do not reserve tables for the luncheon

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette; a reminder to also see her at the end of the meeting if ID badges were needed

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending.

Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 12 noon.  He again reminded the Board to please be there by 11:00am to help set up. Frank  reviewed the menu from Rollatini's and the door prizes. Frank also mentioned that there will be extended collection for the luncheon -- up to and including today. So far, 86 members have signed up. 

Old Business - nothing to report

New Business  - nothing to report

Presentation - no presentation.  Kathy identified workstation areas for members to ask their device questions after the prize and 50/50 tickets were called.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper .....Xhemal Fusha
Wireless Mouse.....Mildred Goldstein
Flash Drive - 32 gig.....Diane St.Onge

50/25/25  - Jim Patton and Celia Hilmer - $19 each

Meeting was adjourned 1:30pm......49

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
March 1, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, Greg, Jack, LindaSt, Lou,
Absent:  Kathy, Joan, Marsha

Q&A was run Ken.  Afterwards, Ken showed a brief video on self-driving cars.  A short discussion followed with lively comments from the membership.

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. (6) new club members were added; those that stayed for the meeting introduced themselves.

President's Report -   N/A

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from February 15, 2018 which were approved. 

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette; a reminder to also see her at the end of the meeting if ID badges were needed

Committee Reports

Education  Ken reviewed class / lecture schedule from the website and the criteria for attending.

Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 12 noon.  He reviewed the menu from Rollatini's and the door prizes. Frank also mentioned that there will be extended collection for the luncheon -- up to and including the second meeting in March. So far, 67 members have signed up.  If you want a reserved table, please notify us by the next meeting.  There are 8 seats to a table.  Frank also confirmed that the 2019 Luncheon will take place, as usual, on the second Thursday in March -- March 14, 2019

By-Law Committee - Seymour reviewed the new By-Law being proposed and its necessity to meet IRS requirements.  A vote was taken.  It was approved unanimously by all 53 members present.

Old Business - A reminder that our next meeting will be a "workshop" meeting and members are encouraged to bring in their devices if they have questions.  Designated areas will be set up with appropriate "helpers" to address members' issues. 

New Business  - Ken advised that at these "workshop" meetings we will do the door prizes and 50/50 prior to doing the workshop so that members who are not staying for the workshop can participate.

Presentation - "Creating a Digital Photo Album".  Ken reviewed how he created a digital photo album from and bought in several personal albums to show the completed product.  He discussed how he created some of these albums by using only his cell phone.  There was a great deal of interest and it was suggested that at our next workshop meeting we have a workstation demonstrating how to do this. 

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Dust Destroyer.....Roger Bradley
Rapid Car Charger.....Dale Boatright
Logitech Wireless Mouse.....Anna Gaudio

50/25/25  - Susan Harris and Muriel Jones - $15 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:15pm......53

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
February 15, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, Marsha, Joan, Lou,

Absent:  Greg, Jack, LindaSt

Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. (3) new club members were added; those that stayed for the meeting introduced themselves.

President's Report -   Ken wished everyone a Happy Valentine's Day.

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from February 1, 2018 which were OK'd as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette; a reminder to also see her at the end of the meeting if ID badges were needed

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the context of her Media Class on Mondays and also went over the class/lecture schedule from the Website.

Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 12 noon.  He again reviewed the menu from Rollatini's and the door prizes. Frank also mentioned that there will be extended collection for the luncheon.  Now collection will take place during the 1st and 2nd meetings in March. 

By-Law Committee - Seymour reviewed the new By-Law being proposed and its necessity to meet IRS requirements.  He also took questions from the floor and reiterated that the vote would take place Thurs, March 1, 2018.

Old Business - Nothing to report

New Business  - CVCC will make a contribution in memory of Howie Silver.  Kathy provided his mailing address:  146 Stratford K, and reviewed information about his funeral: Friday, February 16 at 1:30pm at the National Cemetery in Lake Worth.  Address: 6501 SR 7, Lake Worth, FL  33449.

Presentation - There was no presentation this meeting.  As previously discussed, the second half of the meeting was devoted to troubleshooting various devices members brought in.  Several locations were designated in accordance with their devices and the availability of "helpers".  Both android and iPhone issues were addressed.

There was a gradual exit of members from the meeting -- those that needed help stayed later to discuss their device-related questions and issues. -- 52 members in attendance

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Portable Blue Tooth Speaker.....Belda Bensimhon
Mouse Pad.....Seymour Kaufman
Flash Drive.....Lou Harris

50/25/25  - Belda Bensimhon and Nicole Doyon - $13 each

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
February 1, 2018
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy Annette and LindaSh
Frank, John, Greg, Marsha, Joan, Jack, Lou, LindaSt

Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. (9) new club members were added; those that stayed for the meeting introduced themselves.

President's Report -   Ken first made an announcement about Howie's passing and the membership had a brief moment of silence.  He then provided an update about the EIN number being obtained and again reviewed the need for it. 

Secretary's Minutes - Linda first thanked Kathy taking the minutes in her absence.  She then read the minutes from January 18, 2018 which were OK'd as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette. 

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the context of her Media Class on Mondays and mentioned the various devices for which members could obtain help.  She then reviewed the schedule from the Website.

Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018; Rollatini will be our caterer again.  He reviewed the menu and went over the door prizes that were being offered ( a printer, various denomination gift cards from Publix --   including a $100 card).  The luncheon is in the Party Room and ticket purchase will take place the next 3 meetings: Feb 1, Feb 15, and Mar 1.  Member price is $9.00; guests $18.00  Checks can be made out to CVCC or have exact cash.

By-Law Committee - Seymout reviewed the new By-Law being proposed and its necessity to meet IRS requirements.  Kathy will be sending out a second email to membership with the new By-Law changes and it will also be posted on the By-Law tab on our website.  There will be a vote on it the 1st meeting in March (March 1st).

Old Business - EIN update provided.  See above.

New Business  - The new Board was identified.  Ken also reminded everyone about the new format being tried for the next meeting:    1st meeting of the month would be a normal presentation by Ken; 2nd meeting would be a workshop-type meeting where members could bring in their various devices and workstations would be set up to help with questions and issues.

Presentation - Ken addressed the "Net Neutrality" concept currently in the news.  He showed a brief video from "Burger King" about this issue.  He also gave an overview of how computer thieves are spamming users by copying legitimate logos from various well-known sites:  IRS, Microsoft, Credit Card companies, etc.  A cautionary tale for everyone.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.....Annette Dube
Duster.....Chayeh Fleisher
32 gig Thumb Drive.....Valerie Guthrie

50/25/25  - Joan Karp and Greg K  - $15 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:35pm......57
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
January 18, 2018
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy and Annette
Frank,  John. and Greg, Marsha, Lou, Jack,  LindaSt,
Absent:  Joan. LindaSh,
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag.  We welcomed 5 new members.
President's Report – nothing to report
Secretary's Minutes - Kathy read the minutes from January 04, 2018 which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette.  If anyone needs their id, please check with her after the meeting. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures  Please wear your id at all functions.
Election Committee – Kathy asked the newest Board members to please stand.  She asked each one if they accept the nomination to the Board.  All answered yes.  She then individually made a motion to cast one vote for each person and their positions as Board Member.    Joan called in  at the last minute and she also accepted.  Welcome aboard all!   
Our 2018 Executive Board consists of the following members:
President                   Kenneth Graff
1st VP                          Kathy Congi
2nd VP/Treasurer       Annette Dube
Secretary       Linda Shernoff
Our Regular BoardMembers are:   Frank Congi, John Hess, Greg Kremenchugsky, Mildred Goldstein, Joan Reilly, Linda Steiniger, Jack Adams and Lou Harris.
Luncheon Committee – Frank reported  the next luncheon will be held on “Friday”, March 16, 2018.  He reviewed the menu.  He also announced we will be accepting payment for our luncheon during the months of February and the first meeting in March.  We normally need to know one week in advance our number of attendees.  It might be possible to  collect more money on the Thursday before but Frank will check the restaurant first.  We will have many raffle prizes up to and including a Gift Card from Publix for $100.
By-Law Committee – Seymour announced we have an amendment to do. He explained how and why this came about.  He explained we will be putting it up on the website and we will also be emailing it twice to everyone. We will vote on it on the first meeting in March.  It was necessary because of the Motion which was passed to incorporate CVCC and get an EIN# from the IRS.
Old Business – Ken has registered with  By the end of the week he can take the sunbiz approval copy to the lawyer to finish our business with the EIN #.  Soon we can go to a bank and get a new account started.   

New Business  -  We have a change coming to our format of our meetings.  Effective with the February meetings, Ken will continue to do his presentations on the first meeting of the month.  On the second meeting of the month we will begin doing “Workshops” for SIGs.  You can bring in your Media (phones, tablets and/or computers and we will try and answer all quedtions or inquiries from all members who need answers, etc. 
Presentation – Ken purchased 2 Canon Printers and showed what to do to get one up and running.  One printer will be setup in our Classroom and another to be used as part of our raffle prizes at said upcoming Luncheon.

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Mouse pad…….Fred Goronzy
Thumb Drive………….Joseph Krebs
Bluetooth Speaker……Judith Schnier
Donated Coffee mug………Fred Basserman

50/25/25  - $10 ……Seymour Kaufman…..Mildred Goldstein

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm......48
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
January 04, 2018
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy and Annette
Frank, John. and Greg 
Absent:  Howie, Hy, Seymour, Marsha
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting after asking everyone to silence their phones.  We had our Salute to the Flag.  We also had 14 members sign up; several were introduced and welcomed.
President's Report  Happy New Year to ALL!
Secretary's Minutes - Kathy read the minutes from December 21, 2017 which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette.  If anyone needs their id, please check with her after the merting. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures  Please wear your id at all functions.
Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on “Friday”, March 16, 2018.  He reviewed the menu.
Nominating Committee -- Annette reviewed the requirements and duties of Board members. We now have four members to fill the open spots of our Board.  There will be no need to have an Election in January as a result.  Welcome to Joan Reilly, Linda Steiniger, Jack Adams and Lou Harris. Their term begins on 18jan2018.
Old Business – Ken explained he has been going to different banks to find which one has the best benefit for our new account.  Lou mentioned his bank up north usesTD bank and as a non profit they don’t pay any fees.  

New Business  -  No new business.
Presentation – Ken showed there are several ways to be secure in your online activities.   Here is a helpful link……..(click here)………….   He also explained when you get a popup looking for you to pay or call a number for help and locks your screen; if you cannot do anything then just hold the power button down for 10 seconds.  This will shut down your machine. 
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

Organizer…….Linda Thompson
Wireless Mouse………….Lou Harris
Dust Remover……Frank Congi

50/25/25  - $17 Joan Karp and Peter Amato
 Meeting was adjourned 2:35pm......55
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
December 21, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy and Annette

Frank,  John. Greg and Seymour
Absent: Howie, Linda, Hy and Marsha
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag.  We had 2 members sign up who were former members and had their id cards from the past.
President's Report  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to ALL!
Secretary's Minutes - Kathy read the minutes from December 07, 2017 which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette.  As of 
January 1, 2018, the new membership dues would be $15 for individuals and $20 for couples.   If anyone needs their id, please check with her after the merting. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures  Please wear your id at all functions.
Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on “Friday”, March 16, 2018; Rollatini will be our caterer again.  The price for the luncheon will be the same as before $9/member and $18 per guest.  He reviewed the menu.
Nominating Committee -- Annette reviewed the requirements and duties of Board members and asked the membership who might want to run to fill these two open spots. There was one nominee from the floor:   --  Lou Harris.-  nominated and seconded.   Elections will be held on January 18, 2018.
Old Business – Ken wanted to make our club a Non-Profit.  Jack Adams made a motion to spend the money to get a lawyer to make this possible. Seconded by Grace Macklin.  Discussion followed.  Result:  Unanimous vote.  Our by-law Committee will also meet to make the necessary changes.

New Business  -  No new business.
Presentation – Ken explained there are ways to save your “favorites” from AOL   Here is a helpful link     Ken also demonstrated how to use Microsoft One Drive and Google Drive to store your Documents, Music and Photos so once you migrate to a new computer you will have access to all your files. 
Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Thumb Drive…….Joan Reilly
Calculator………….Grace Macklin
Password Journal……Judith Schnier
50/25/25  - No Drawing today
Meeting was adjourned 2:43pm......36
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
December 7, 2017

Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy and Annette
Frank, Hy, John. Greg
Absent: Howie, Linda, Seymour and Marsha
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag.
President's Report Welcome back to the Seasonal Residents
Secretary's Minutes - Kathy read the minutes from November 16, 2017 which were accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette.  As of January 1, 2018, the new membership dues would be $15 for individuals and $20 for couples.  She also mentioned the need for checks to be made out to CASH, or dues to be paid in CASH.  If anyone needs their id, please check with her after the merting. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures.  She announced she would begin her weekly Lecture “All Media:  Phones, Tablets & Windows Computers” on Mondays starting on 01Jan2018 at 1pm.  Kathy’s Lecture includes Annette, Celia, Diane gladys and Kathy so we can cover a lot of different media.  Also, Linda will begin her weekly Lecture:   “iPad and iPhone 101” starting on 30Jan2018 at 1pm.  
She also asked if anyone is not getting her emails, they need to let her know what their email name is at present.  If any email bounces back on her she will be in touch with you via phone.  Also please wear your id at all functions.
Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018; Rollatini will be our caterer again.  The price for the luncheon will be the same as before $9/member and $18 per guest.  He reviewed the menu.
Nominating Committee -- Annette reviewed the requirements and duties of Board members and asked the membership who might want to run to fill these two open spots. There were two nominees from the floor:   -- Linda Steiniger and Jack Adams.-- they were both seconded.  Elections will be held in January.
Old Business – Ken went to BBT to ask if they close the account , will they be sending out a check made out to cvcc?   They confirmed this.  Ken closed the account and took the amount in cash.  We will have to decide soon what needs to be done to get a new account.

New Business  -  No new business.
Presentation - Ken demonstrated a new media device called Google Home Mini.  It worked fine as long as WiFi is available.  It is currently on sale for $29.95 locally from Walmart or Target and online from  The larger Google Home retails for $129. 
Congratulations to our club winners! 
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ear Buds…..Mary Sullivan
Android Micro USB cable…..Michael Tchang
Ream of Paper……Judith Schnier

50/25/25  - Gerda Latham and.Bil Sheff  - $17 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:30pm......52
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary  
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
November 16, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy Annette and Linda,
Frank, and Hy

Absent: Howie, John, Greg, Seymour, and Marsha
Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. (9) new club members were added; those that stayed for the meeting introduced themselves. 

President's Report -   It was announced that one Board member has resigned (Karen) and a replacement will be needed. Another board member (Seymour) will not be running in 2018.

Secretary's Minutes - Linda read the minutes from November 2, 2017 which were OK'd as read.

Treasurer's Report
  - Provided by Annette.  She mentioned as of January 1, 2018, the new membership dues would be $15 for individuals and $20 for couples.  She also mentioned the need for checks to be made out to CASH, or dues to be paid in CASH. 

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the revised schedule for classes and lectures.  She also mentioned that Howie would probably start his classes in January 2018 -- more information to be provided.

Luncheon Committee -- per Frank,  the next luncheon will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018; Rollatini will be our caterer again.  He reviewed the menu and indicated that some minor tweaks might be made as a result of various member requests.  More information will be forthcoming.  The price will probably remain the same as last year.

Nominating Committee -- Annette indicated that two open Board seats need to be filled.  She then reviewed the requirements and duties of Board members and asked the membership who might want to run to fill these two open spots. There were two nominees from the floor:   -- Joan Riley and Gladys Buonacore -- they were both seconded.  Elections will be held in January.

Business - None

New Business  - Ken reviewed the reasons for the email Kathy sent out to membership with regard to the need for membership payments to either be in CASH, or by a check written to CASH.  He identified the bank's request for the need for an EIN number (since the Patriot Act) and reviewed the steps to obtain one.  After much discussion, it was agreed, for the time being, that membership checks should be made out to CASH with the memo line indicating it's for CVCC dues, or dues should be paid in CASH.  A private account may need to be set up in the future -- still to be determined.

 Ken said he would go to our current bank (BBT) to find out to whom their final check would be issued.

Presentation - Ken reviewed various websites with good computer / electronic / camera Black Friday deals:  Amazon, Target and Google were mentioned.  He also reviewed laptop deals that could be found on these websites.  He singled out Google Chromebook as a good inexpensive laptop option and indicated that Chromebook could now utilize various Android apps from a stable channel. this link is a listing of chromebooks    listing of Black Friday deals

Congratulations to our club winners! 

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.....Joan Reilly
Vivitar Digital Camera.....Dennis O'Brien
Screen Cleaning Wipes.....Linda Nugent

50/25/25  - Frank Congi and Roger Bradley - $9 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:30pm......32
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
November 2, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy Annette and Linda,
Frank, Howie, John and Hy
Absent:  Annette, Greg, Seymour, Karen and Marsha

Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. (3) new club members were introduced

President's Report -   Nothing to report this meeting

Secretary's Minutes - Not read due to extended time-lapse since last meeting minutes were taken

Treasurer's Report  - Provided by Annette.  She also reviewed badge protocols for members.

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the revised schedule for classes and lectures. 

Old Business - None

New Business  - None

Presentation - Ken reviewed various ways to recover lost files from a thumb drive and mentioned
Recuva -- which can be downloaded from  He also mentioned various teaching tools and videos provided by  A brief video was reviewed from the AARP website for the benefit of the members and several Q&A were taken during and after that presentation.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Screen Cleaning Wipes....Howie Silver
Rechargeable PowerPack.....Roger Bradley
Ream of Paper.....Kathy Congi

Misc Computer Discs
Travel Maps.....Linda Steiniger
Solitaire.....Hy Fishman
Casino.....Beverly Bradley

50/25/25  - Vincent Lee and Annette DubeS - $11 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:35pm......32
Respectfully submitted,
--> Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
May 4, 2017

Meeting Room B

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy and Linda,
Frank, Howie, John and Hy,
Absent:  Annette, Greg, Seymour, Karen and Marsha

Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 3 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report -   nothing to report this meeting

Secretary's Minutes - Read by Linda and subsequently approved.

Treasurer's Report  - Treasurer is away - nothing reported this meeting

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the revised schedule for classes and lectures.  Howie mentioned that two of his MAC classes were cancelled and relevant notice was placed on the bulletin board outside the computer classroom.

Old Business - None

New Business  - None

Presentation - Ken demonstrated various applications from android and smart phone devices.  He demonstrated an application from the Google Play Store, "Rewards", that actually paid a small stipend for completing a Google survey.  He then demonstrated how to transfer physical slides to a computer and various editing techniques you could use from your Smartphone to create a "movie" that you could share with others.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Dust Destroyer.....Gerda Latham
Wireless Mouse.....Joan Karp
Rechargeable Power pack.....Muriel Jones

50/25/25  - Ann Kritzer and Beverly Bradley - $11 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:25pm......35

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Apr 20, 2017
Meeting Room C

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Linda, Annette
Howie, Frank, John, Hy, and Marsha
Absent:  Greg, Seymour, Karen

Q&A was run Ken

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 3 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report -   Ken announced that Marilyn Gorodezer has resigned and that Annette Dube volunteered to step in for us.

Secretary's Minutes - Read by Linda and subsequently approved.

Treasurer's Report -   Provided by Annette.  Also, a reminder that those needing their ID Badge should see Annette.

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the revised schedule for classes and lectures. 

Old Business - None

New Business  - None

Presentation - Provided by Ken -- USPS and Back-Up Procedures.  Ken provided an update on electronic services now available from USPS, i.e., informed delivery.  He also mentioned various back-up procedures i.e.,  file history with Windows 10; flash drives; Google drive; Google photos, etc. 

Q&A from members throughout his presentation.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.....Joseph Benoit
Wireless Mouse........Linda Shernoff
Dust Destroyer.....Muriel Jones

50/25/25  - Joan Karp won both red ticket prizes @ $8.00 each

Meeting was adjourned 2:25pm......36

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Apr 6, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Ken, Kathy, Linda, Annette
Howie, Frank, John, Hy, and Marsha 

Absent:  Seymour, Greg, Karen

Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 2 new members who joined the club and were introduced.  Ken announced we were making a change to our meeting agenda to accommodate a presentation to be made by Atlantic Broadband after our regular business meeting.

President's Report -   Nothing to report

Secretary's Minutes - Read by Linda and subsequently accepted.

Treasurer's Report -   Provided by Annette

Committee Reports

Education - Kathy reviewed the revised class / lecture schedule that is now posted on our website.

Old Business - None

New Business  - None

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:

Virtual Reality Headset.....George Pittell
Rechargeable Power Pack........Joan Acquatta
Dust Destroyer.....Robert Marcotte


$10 each won by Addy Tomme and Gerda Latham

Business Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm ...  57

Q&A - conducted by Ken

Presentation - Atlantic Broadband Presentation by Regan Anderson, Director, Select Communities.  Open to all Century Village residents.
Q&A during and after his presentation.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Mar 16, 2017
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Ken,  Kathy, Annette
Howie, Frank, John,  Hy, Greg, and Marsha
Absent:  Marilyn, Karen, Linda, Seymour.
Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There was1 new member who joined the club and was introduced.
President's Report -   Nothing to report
Secretary's Minutes - Read by Kathy and accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report -   Provided by Annette.  Anyone needing their ID Badge should see Annette after the meeting. 
Committee Reports
Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures and also announced She and Linda would both end their Lectures at the end of March.

Luncheon Committee –  Frank announced Rollatini was aware they ran out of Salad and also the Lasagne and Potatoes were cold.  They apologized and said it won’t hppen again.  A suggestion was made to get Milk not Creamer in the future.  Also can we have a small pot of hot water for tea.  We will do this next time.
Ken made an announcement once we have the List of Members for our Luncheon we do not need to wear our ID’s in order to get a blue ticket.  Kathy explained she was very disappointed a member went through the trouble to hide the fact they forgot their id and managed to get a blue ticket.  Kathy agreed once the Guest List is made up, every “Member” on the List should get a blue ticket.  All agreed.

Old Business - a new tab needs to be created for the website for the Pledge of Allegiance.  And Howie’s Classon Friday need to make note NOT on the first Friday.

New Business  - Nothing to report

Presentation – Ken made a presentation on what is in store for us in our future.

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:
Address Labels.....Frank Congi
Rechargeable Power Pack........Muriel Jones
Monitor Wipes.....Diane St Onge

$10  each won by Mildred Goldstein and Ruth Messer

Meeting was adjourned 2:45pm......37
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Mar 2, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance:  Kathy, Linda, Annette
Howie, Frank, Hy, Greg, Seymour, and Marsha
Absent:  Ken, Marilyn, John, Karen

Q&A was run by Howie

Kathy opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 6 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report -   Nothing to report

Secretary's Minutes - Read by Linda and subsequently accepted.

Treasurer's Report -   Provided by Annette.  Announcements: anyone who did not pay their 2017 dues would be removed from our roster after today's meeting.  Also, those needing their ID Badge should see Annette.

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy reviewed the schedule for classes and lectures and also thanked her additional class helpers that now allowed her to teach both iPhone and Android devices.  Suggestion: for Howie's classes/lectures to put on the webpage that he is available every week except the first Friday of the month.

Luncheon Committee - Frank reiterated that the Luncheon was on March 9.  He reviewed the menu once again from Rollatini's as well as start time, door prizes, beverages served, etc. Seymour provided a headcount and indicated that the last day for payment was today's meeting,  March 2nd, as a final headcount needs to be provided prior to the luncheon.

Old Business - Noted that a new tab needs to be created for the website for the Pledge of Allegiance.

New Business  - Nothing to report
Presentation - "Okeechobee Library Branch" web presentation provided by Mr. Zimmerman and his colleague, Pauzo. There was review of the library's website navigation ( and contact info provided: 561-233-1880).  General review, various tabs, other websites provided via their website (Hoopla, Flipster, Consumer Reports, etc.).  How to access music, movies, and search their "card catalogue".
Q&A during and after his presentation.

Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Ream of Paper.....Ruth Messer
Rechargeable Power Pack........Virginia Bogue
Dust Destroyer.....Howie Silver

$20  each won by Muriel Jones and Jeanette Veglia

Meeting was adjourned 2:55pm......64

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
Feb 16, 2017
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Linda, Annette
Howie, Frank, John, Hy, Karen, Greg, Seymour, and Marsha
Absent:  Marilyn

Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 4 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report -   Nothing to report

Secretary's Minutes - Read by Linda and subsequently accepted.

Treasurer's Report -   Provided by Annette

Committee Reports

Education  Kathy mentioned that thanks to Celia Hilmer she will be helping anyone with an Android iPhone or Tablet on Monday's at 1pm.  In addition, Ken will teach an intro to Android iPhones and Tablets on Wednesdays at 10 am.  All class schedules and lecture times were again reviewed.  Also a reminder to check the bulletin board outside the classroom on the second floor for any cancellations and to also wear ID's at all functions.  Note:  the CVCC website link is on your lanyards.

Luncheon Committee - Frank reiterated that the Luncheon was on March 9.  He reviewed the menu once again from Rollatini's.  Seymour provided a headcount and indicated that the last day for payment was March 2nd as a final headcount needs to be provided prior to the luncheon.

Old Business - Nothing to report

New Business  - Suggestion was made to have Ken create a new CVCC website tab that has the Pledge of Allegiance.
Presentation - Howie and Kathy each presented several topics to the membership and then took questions from the audience.  Topics included useful links, i.e.,; how to add and delete programs and cookies from website history; how to ensure privacy when web browsing;  how to work with various browsers, how to find virus protection software that may have come with your computer so that you needn't pay extra for other "paid" protection programs - i.e. Norton.
Congratulations to our club winners!

Blue Ticket prizes were:
Journal........Emilo Thibault
Dust Destroyer........Linda Shernoff
Virtual Reality Smartphone Headset........Marsha Goldstein

$15 each won by Patsy Woosley and Mildred Hejda
Meeting was adjourned 2:35pm......58

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Shernoff, Secretary
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
February 02, 2017

Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Marilyn
Frank, Seymour, John, Hy, Howie, Marsha & Greg
Absent:  Karen and Linda

Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 3 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report  

Secretary's Minutes –  Kathy read the Minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report -   Marilyn made her report and reminded all we will only accept checks made on US Banks.  If anyone needs their id, please see her.

Committee Reports
Education Committee
Kathy announced an iPhone 6s caught fire in Pinellas County, FL.  Please be sure you do NOT charge your phone while you sleep!!!

Kathy also did a review of all our Classes.  There is one change.  Howie is moving his Apple MAC lecture to Fridays at 9amstarting next week, 10feb2017.

A reminder to please check our Website (the link is on your lanyard) for updated Class information and also check the Bulletin Board on the second floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or postponements of classes.  And, to please wear your ID's at all functions.

Luncheon Committee – Frank and John – 
Frank reported our Luncheon will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2017 Frank reviewed our menu.  The cost will be $18/guest and $9/member.  8 Gift cards will come from Publix and 6 free 2018 memberships for our club.   We will begin selling Luncheon tickets at both our meetings in February and the first Thursday in March.  Today, Seymour reported 41 attending our luncheon so far.

Old Business – None

New Business  None.

 Presentation  Ken gave a presentation on an App called Photo Scan by Google.
Thanks to our Treasurer, Marilyn, the Local Library will give a presentation on March 02, 2017 regarding many of their services

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

Batttery Backup.......Maureen DeVergilio
Ream of Paper…………Diane St. Onge
Monitor Wipes……………Lou Harris

$19 each won by Joan Reilly and Valerie Guthrie

Meeting was adjourned 253pm......73
Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
January 19, 2017
Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Marilyn
Frank, Seymour, John, Hy, Howie, Karen, Marsha & Greg
Absent:  Linda 

Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 4 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report  

Secretary's Minutes –  Kathy read the Minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report -   Marilyn made her report and reminded all we will only accept checks made on US Banks.  If anyone needs their id, please see her.

Committee Reports
Education Committee
Kathy announced we will no longer do registrations for our Basic Class.  This class will now be an open class for all our members.  If anyone wishes to stop by and ask a question, please do.

Kathy also announced we may have a new type of malware called Bytefence.  If she finds a fix for it she will post it up on the Useful sites along with the other viruses.  Gmail also got hacked today.  Please do NOT open any link within an email unless you are sure it is definitely meant for you.  It is not worth the trouble to get hacked today.

Kathy also did a review of all our Classes and showed our Learning Page and Useful Sites tabs on our Website.

A reminder to please check our Website (the link is on your lanyard) for updated Class information and also check the Bulletin Board on the second floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or postponements of classes.  And, to please wear your ID's at all functions.

Luncheon Committee – Frank and John – 
Frank reported our Luncheon will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2017 The cost will be $18/guest and $9/member.  Prizes will come fom Publix and 6 free memberships for our club.   We will begin selling Luncheon tickets at both our meetings in February and the first Thursday in March. 

Election Committee Seymour -
Seymour introduced each of the Board Members who were running for a two year term.  He asked each nominee individually if he/she accepted the nomination to their respective position.  All replied Yes.

Ken Graff for President
 Kathy Congi for 1st VP
Annette Dube for 2nd VP
Marilyn Gorodezer for Treaurer
Linda Shernoff for Secretary
Frank Congi – Board Member
John Hess – Board Member
Mildred Goldstein – Board Member
Greg kremenchugsky – Board member

Seymour made the motion to cast one ballot for each position.  The motion was accepted, approved and seconded. 

Old Business – None

New Business  None.

 Presentation  Ken gave a presentation on how to use Chromecast from anywhere.

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

32G Flash Drive.......Annette Dube
Ream of Paper…………Dennis DeVergilio
Paper Journal……………Celia Hilmer

$18 each won by Annette Dube and Maureen DeVergilio

Meeting was adjourned 250pm......50
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
January 5, 2017

Room 103

Board Attendance: Ken, Kathy, Annette, Marilyn
Frank, Seymour, John, Hy, Howie, Marsha & Greg
Absent:  Linda & Karen

Q&A was run by Ken
Ken opened the meeting. We had our Salute to the Flag. There were 3 new members who joined the club and were introduced.

President's Report  

Secretary's Minutes   Kathy read the Minutes from our last meeting which were accepted as read
Treasurer's Report -   Marilyn made her report and reminded all we will only accept checks made on US Banks.

Committee Reports
Education Committee
Kathy announced the February Basic Class Registration is open.  Kathy reviewed all the available lectures.  Kathy asked how many people have an Apple Mac and Howie said he would do a Lecture on the Apple Mac and announce it asap.  

A reminder to please check our Website (the link is on your lanyard) for updated Class information and also check the Bulletin Board on the second floor outside our classroom for any cancellations or postponements of classes.  And, to please wear your ID's at all functions.

Nomination Committee Seymour and Howie -
Seymour read the report.  No new nominations were made today. All nominations are closed.

Luncheon Committee – Frank and John – 
Frank reported our Luncheon will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2017.  He also confirmed our menu will be Chicken Marsala,  Grilled Salmon, Vegetarian Lasagna.  The cost will be $18/guest and $9/member.  Prizes will come fom Publix and 6 free memberships for our club.  

Old Business – None

New Business  None.

 Presentation – Ken  gave a presentation on how very important it is to keep track of our passwords.  

Congratulations to our club winners!
Blue Ticket prizes were:

Wireless Mouse.......Sandra Ger
Electric Surcharge…………Grace Macklin
Paper Journal……………Ron Alicandri


$22 each won by Howie Silver and Ron Alicandri

Meeting was adjourned 250pm......64
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Congi for Linda Shernoff, Secretary